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October 9th Debate

​Only 2 people did a debate today. This was the true dedication that the people were looking for. These two candidates are Mike Huckabee and Ben Carson. These two were not the people’s favorites. There seems to be an issue with the other candidates. WHERE ARE THE OTHER CANDIDATES? The day that Mr. Pahl isn’t here the popular candidates don’t do anything? That’s not the qualities that the people want.

Mike Huckabee talked about education and that was an important issue that Ben Carson should have addressed. Education is a serious problem within the USA and Mike did the right thing by addressing it to the people. “Why should the children be forced into going to a school that fails at meeting their needs?” Mike Huckabee did the right thing by saying this. It could be considered a bad thing to most people but this country needs the truth. They hear what they want to hear not what they need to hear. Students in an area of poverty get denied resources. Those kids just stop coming to school. That’s the truth. Mike Huckabee gave the people a reason for them to vote for him.

Ben Carson talked about Obamacare. Obamacare is another big issue, but there are bigger issues that he should have addressed. The people need to hear about the problems of right now! They need to hear the troubles of education, the roads, the police brutality, etc. Obamacare is an important issue yes but there are issues that affect the teens of today. The teens of today are the future of this country. There needs to be a plan for the teens.

Who's Behind The Blog

Sam Desch

Candiates Delegate Number

Donald Trump: 0

Mike Huckabee: 0

Ted Cruz: 0

Jeb Bush: 0

Ben Carson: 0

Carly Fiorina: 6

Chris Christie: 0

Marco Rubio: 0

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